Friday, January 29, 2010

Werk un-related post

If y'all are looking for something really fun to do on a boring Friday afternoon, you should go over to Lucky Magazine's Style Spotter website, sign up (super easy!), and then comment on my freshman post here. The perks to being a style spotter are really endless, and you will be contributing to my well-being 360degrees of separation-style. (PS- do this before Sunday)

Next up: a subway photo of a thug with really really saggy sweatpants.


Tania Rochelle said...

Pants on the ground?

minus five said...

we should start a collection of these guys with the saggy pants. i mean, they used to just have them hanging right below their butts so that their boxers were hanging out, but now their jeans are clear down to their knees. i don't even know how they walk without falling down.

p.s. i think you might have found your calling. this whole writing about fashion thing--you're kind of good at it. and good in a way that kids who don't care about fashion (hand raised) would read it and laugh.